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For additional Information contact Jan Nichols, Managing Broker 970-453-1226 ext 4 or email 

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Consider this site as your 24/7 virtual real estate office. Through this interactive website you can navigate through thousands of listings available through the MLS system. Homes, condos, land, timeshares, fractional ownership, can now be easily searched through our website.

Need additional information? Tap into the expertise of our Brokers who are fully knowledgeable about our market area. Contact Us with your request & you will receive a prompt response from our staff.

Jan Nichols JoVan Inc. Realty & Management 
416 S. Ridge Street // PO Box 8076
Breckenridge, Colorado 80424

Office: 970-453-1226 ext. 4

Fax: 970-547-0453 Email:

Jovan, Inc. Realty & Management established in1987
Serving Breckenridge and Summit County for 30 years
Licensed in the State of Colorado

Buyer resources:
Jan Nichols
JoVan Inc. Realty & Management
416 S. Ridge Street, PO Box 8076
Breckenridge, Colorado
(970) 453-1226
Fax: (970) 547-0453
Email for more info
Timeshare: Winter Floating 1 Bed. Ski in/Ski out, BreckConnect Gondola & Independence Superchair steps from the Lodge. In/Outdoor Pools, Water Fea... more

Timeshare: Winter Plus Float 1 Bed. Ski in/Ski out, BreckConnect Gondola & Independence Superchair steps from the Lodge. In/Outdoor Pools, Water F... more